Title: The Orange Walls ‘In a lavish Trump Tower penthouse, Donald Trump grapples with mounting pressure and paranoia, convinced that…
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Creep Show at the Orange Lair: A Horror Parody
Title: Creep Show at the Orange Lair: A Horror Parody ‘In the eerie Orange Lair, five friends embark on a…
Continue ReadingThe Theatrical Trap of Trump: A Political Parody
Title: The Theatrical Trap of Trump: A Political Parody ‘In a comedic political parody, Donald Trump finds himself in an…
Continue ReadingThe Shrinking Echo
Title: The Shrinking Echo ‘In a nearly empty gymnasium, former Trump supporter John Harper grapples with his disillusionment as he…
Continue ReadingThe Unbelievable Shrinking Orange: A Parody
Title: The Unbelievable Shrinking Orange: A Parody ‘In The Unbelievable Shrinking Orange, James Wilson, an aspiring botanist, unwittingly triggers a…
Title: STAR TREK: BATTLE OF THE NEBULA ‘In a futuristic world, an advanced AI named Logic initiates a profound dialogue…
Continue ReadingShrekless in Seattle
Title: Shrekless in Seattle ‘In this charming romantic comedy, ex-ogre Mike grapples with life as a human in Seattle while…
Continue ReadingNew Dawn in the Library
Title: New Dawn in the Library ‘In the serene study of Chartwell Manor, Winston Churchill passionately pours over his magnum…
Continue ReadingThe Metaverse Dilemma
Title: The Metaverse Dilemma ‘In a near-future world where reality and the metaverse intertwine, urban planner Serena Williams navigates the…
Continue ReadingWeb of Shadows
Title: Web of Shadows ‘Set in 1968, Web of Shadows follows Agency Director Evelyn Stone as she uncovers a Soviet…
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