Title: The Magic of 8Arc
Film Synopsis:
Lena visits her friend Mark’s bakery, where he shares the secret behind his booming business: a revolutionary video ad platform called 8Arc that transforms captivating stories and images into engaging promotional content with ease. As Mark demonstrates the tool’s simplicity and effectiveness, Lena is inspired to explore its potential for her own boutique, igniting her entrepreneurial spirit. Will 8Arc be the key to unlocking Lena’s dreams and helping small businesses thrive?
- 8Arc can turn any prompt into a movie or cinematic ad.
- 8Arc can now let you upload product images into the movies, perfect for simple cinematic ads for small businesses.
- Make sure product images are 16:9 ratio.
- Its best to include prompt of what the images are.
- You can do voiceovers for your images.
- Make sure your text prompt are grammatically and punctuated correctly.
How to Prompt 8Arc for Your Cinematic Ad
Tell 8Arc your idea for the cinematic ad. Refer to our 3-step doc (How to Use AI to Create a Movie from Text in Just 3 Steps) for more details. If you don’t have an idea, it’s ok. Just include a phrase or some text to nudge the AI in the direction you want.
Make sure your prompt has no grammar mistakes and are properly punctuated. Sometimes the result will not be what you want only because you missed a comma or a period. It may seem trivial but is hugely important!
Use the example prompt below to make your first cinematic ad!
Include Your Product Images in Your Cinematic Ad
Now you can take photos of your product(s) or screenshot(s) and include them in your cinematic ad! Edit the image(s) as you would like them to appear in the movie, then upload them. The images must be 16:9 ratio, otherwise it might appear distorted in the movie. It would help the AI if you can explain what the images are so that it lower the chance for mistakes.
Voiceover Your Images
You can have 8Arc do a voiceover over your images by using the example format below in your script:
Emma (voiceover): [user_file0.png] Then, Go to 8Arc.xyz.
Emma: Emma is the character’s name.
(voiceover): Must specify “(voiceover)” otherwise 8Arc will show the character instead.
[user_file0.png]: Specify the image by enclosing it in brackets.
“Then, Go to 8Arc.xyz.”: The line to read.
Prompt for the cinematic ad above:
Why Use Cinematic Ads?
- People tend to remember 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to just 10% when reading it in text or viewing it in a photo 3.
- Video is the most popular and effective media format, with 50% of marketers leveraging video in their marketing strategy 4.
- 91% of consumers want to see more online videos from brands 4.
- Videos with storytelling elements, which are common in cinematic ads, have higher retention rates. A study by Wistia found that videos with a narrative structure can increase retention rates by up to 20% 1.
- According to WordStream, adding a video on a website’s landing page can increase conversion rates by 18% 2.
- Additionally, 84% of video consumers claim they decided to buy a product or service after watching a brand’s video 2.
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Disclaimer: The views expressed in user-generated videos on this site do not reflect those of 8Arc. Content is intended to be fictional and for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to real people is coincidental. Please view our Terms and Agreement for more details