How to Create Movie Trailers with AI in 3 Steps: #DREAMKILLER


Title: #Dreamkiller

When Sarah awakens from a vivid dream, she discovers that her nighttime fantasies manifest terrifyingly in reality, resulting in deadly consequences for others. As chaos ensues around her, she grapples with the horrifying revelation that her dreams have the power to kill, leaving her desperate to find a way to stop it. Can Sarah confront the darkness within her dreams, or is she destined to become the ultimate nightmare?



  • 8Arc can turn any prompt into a Short Movie Trailer.
  • Step 1: Prompt 8Arc for your short movie trailer.
    • Make sure your text prompt are grammatically and punctuated correctly.
  • Step 2: Tap “Generate” Button
    • That’s it! 8Arc will email you when it’s done!

Reference here for more details on How to Use AI to Fully Automate Creating Short Videos



Step 1: Prompt 8Arc for Your Movie Trailer

How to Prompt

Tell 8Arc your idea for the movie trailer. If you don’t have an idea, it’s ok. Just include a phrase or some text to nudge the AI in the direction you want.

Make sure the prompt has no grammar mistakes and are properly punctuated. Sometimes the result will not be what you want only because of a missing comma or a period. It may seem trivial but is hugely important!

Use the example prompt below to make your first movie trailer!

Prompt used to create this movie trailer:
“””Create a movie trailer for the movie below in Short Video Form (video length within 30 seconds. Keep within 100 words).
A woman (SARAH, 30s) jolts awake, gasping.
SARAH (voiceover): What if your dreams…
– Sarah flying through a neon-lit cityscape.
– Sarah swimming with mermaids in a coral reef.
– Sarah on stage, adored by thousands of fans.
SARAH (voiceover): …became real?
SCIENTIST (stern, 50s): Your dreams are killing people, Sarah.
Sarah looks horrified.
MONTAGE – QUICK CUTS (each less than a second)
– A building crumbling.
– People running in terror.
– Sarah’s hands covered in blood.
DEEP VOICE (voiceover): Every time you sleep, someone dies.
Sarah, teary-eyed, faces the camera.
SARAH: How do I stop it?
SCIENTIST (voiceover): You can’t.


Step 2: Tap the “Generate” Button.

And that’s it! 8Arc will send you an email once its done!


Now you are ready to make the movie for your trailer!


Help support us by sharing the videos! Download the video and share it on your social media!

Disclaimer: The views expressed in user-generated videos on this site do not reflect those of 8Arc. Content is intended to be fictional and for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to real people is coincidental. Please view our Terms and Agreement for more details

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